With all the great ideas that you’ve come up with I I have one I wish you could achieve. What you doing AI, could you come up with a way to be able to track abuse and families against women and children pets whatever? Make something that is built into the concrete of a building or whatever? It would not be people checking it would be robotic so I don’t think that it would be against anyone’s privacy. But maybe it would be a way to stop children and women from being molested and beaten disrespected and also pets. I’m sure it sounds like a strange request but there’s so much danger in the world and I’m afraid it’s only gonna get worse and I feel like if anyone could do it it is you. Just considered a question from an old lady lol but I would like to see it where the world gets better as our children grow. God bless you for looking. God bless you for working to save America and bless your family.
So the, out of touch political elite are trying to say that the public would be happy to cough up an extra £2000 a year, per household to prop up the NHS? Advertisers website Wrong! While many British families struggle to make ends meet, the political elite thinks that people will be glad to fund a failing business that is being run into the ground because of their failed policies on how the NHS is managed? No. This just shows that we have monkeys running our country! Many people on Facebook have shared the above post on various pages; a large number of those people don't even do politics. If our political elite were more than just yes men weighed down by the chains of political correctness, they would see that the people of Britain have had enough. Ever increasing taxation to try and fix their mistakes? Continuiosly using the NHS as a stick to beat the opposition or a classic party political paper dragon! (Paper Dragon): a politician or political party who ca...
Billionaire globalist and altogether controversial figure, George Soros, is now the subject of a $10 billion lawsuit accusing him of being a “racketeer billionaire” for meddling in the affairs of a sovereign African nation — purely for personal reasons — in what critics say typifies his modus operandi. See what others are saying about Soros and who he is in the comments section below. FOX News reports the 86-year-old financier and manager of a global network of nonprofits will be forced by BSG Resources’ lawsuit to answer for manipulating the politics and economics of Guinea for his own benefit Despite Soros’ often contentious dealings and reputation as a pompous busybody, the filing in New York Federal Court has thus far largely escaped the spotlight. Soros, who controls a web of international nonprofits in addition to his vast financial empire, used his sway with the government of Guinea to freeze Israeli company BSG Resources out of the West African nation’s lucrative iron ore mini...
EXCLUSIVE: Tory MP Greg Smith attacked Chancellor Rachel Reeves over Labour's war on pensioners after the Winter Fuel Payment cut announcement this week. * read the full article here Donate to Brexit News it won't cost you a penny. Click on any ad that appears on this page and we get paid a few pence by Google. You could consider that it a small donation to keeping Brexit News free. Clicking on the ads and visiting those websites costs nothing. Please enjoy our content and remember to go back to Brexit News on Facebook to discuss this article.
With all the great ideas that you’ve come up with I I have one I wish you could achieve. What you doing AI, could you come up with a way to be able to track abuse and families against women and children pets whatever? Make something that is built into the concrete of a building or whatever? It would not be people checking it would be robotic so I don’t think that it would be against anyone’s privacy. But maybe it would be a way to stop children and women from being molested and beaten disrespected and also pets. I’m sure it sounds like a strange request but there’s so much danger in the world and I’m afraid it’s only gonna get worse and I feel like if anyone could do it it is you. Just considered a question from an old lady lol but I would like to see it where the world gets better as our children grow. God bless you for looking. God bless you for working to save America and bless your family.