LibDem Ploy to win over Labour Leave voters with a Brexit Lie.

Tim Farron must think we are all totally and utterly stupid. Staunch EUrophile, LibDem, Tim Farron thinks he has sussed out a way of winning Labour voters who are anti-Corbyn Brexiteers but would never vote Tory in a million years. Shocking the Nation. Tim now claim to be a Europsceptic! Some things never change with LibDems. As usual they will say anything to win votes from anywhere they can get them. This is proof that the LibDems don't care about the EU at all. All they care about is winning Council seats and the odd MP. LibDems are self serving ladder climbers. That is all they are! You cannot trust the LibDems. REMEMBER TIM HAS BEEN PLOTTING WITH TONY BLAIR. IT WOULDN'T BE FAR FETCHED TO IMAGINE THAT THIS APPARENT U-TURN HAD BEEN THOUGHT UP BY BLAIR'S SPINDOCTORS! Then again, the LibDems are more than capable of spinning a yarn all by themselves. What is it LibDems like to say? "There is no one more stupid than the electorate" The Lib Dem leader making an a...