
Milani Takes Hundreds of Pounds From ‘Anti-Semitism Is Israeli Embassy Smear’ Activist

Milani Takes Hundreds of Pounds From ‘Anti-Semitism Is Israeli Embassy Smear’ Activist

The largest single donor to Milani’s ‘Make History and Banish Boris Johnson’ GoFundMe page is a woman by the name of Hilary Wise. Readers may remember Wise, who has donated hundreds of pounds to Milani, as the activist who ranted on stage at Labour conference about anti-Semitism claims being smears orchestrated by the Israeli embassy:

“Because I’ve been campaigning for Palestinian rights for about 30 years now and I’ve never actually seen anything quite like the, it is a campaign, of slurs and accusations of anti-Semitism largely against the leadership, against Jeremy Corbyn, and against the left of the party… I’m afraid it is a orchestrated campaign. If you want to know a little bit about how the orchestration works you can watch that Al-Jazeera programme, the documentary which was made two years ago. It’s called ‘The Lobby’. You can watch it online, please do that”

Wise has also:

  • Signed a petition to expel Labour Friends of Israel from the party
  • Signed a petition to disaffiliate the Jewish Labour Movement from the party
  • Signed a petition to have the Charity Commission remove charitable status from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism
  • Claimed Israel releases hyenas in the Jordan Valley to attack Palestinian communities

Milani keeps trying to say he is a reformed character and has moved past his 9/11 truther, pro-armed struggle, anti-Jewish antics. Will he return the donations?

The post Milani Takes Hundreds of Pounds From ‘Anti-Semitism Is Israeli Embassy Smear’ Activist appeared first on Guido Fawkes.

* This article was originally published here


  1. These people are the true face of fascisim 21st century. 1934 repeating , repeating.


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