
Trump is about to crush Zuckerberg!

Trump is about to crush Zuckerberg!
Rumor has it that President Trump is about to act. Trump is about to take on Facebook and put that cocky little, billionaire liberal back in his box! The Big Internet companies have been playing with fire for far too long and Donald Trump has them on his radar!

But silencing conservative freedom of speech, that is not the half of it: 

<<First Name>>, Here is a reminder about keeping your personal data private, away from the Big Internet companies who use you as their product, to make money

Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others consider you, <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>, as a product! Every web page you visit is tracked by cookies or via Google Searches. Cookies are stored on your own computer and are used to determine your interests. Your Google searches are logged by Google. Cookies themselves are harmless but the big Internet giants use them to turn you into a cash cow for them! Facebook is also a big player in selling your data. You agreed to that when you agreed to Facebook's TOS.
That was before

The Web Browser, that STOPS THEM using YOU to make money! Download it at no cost
BREXIT NEWS ALERT: <<First Name>> do you know that the big Internet companies track your web browsing and hen use that information to place ads right where you are likely to click them? They even keep track of ads you clicked in the past, where they were on the page and how long it took you before you clicked! The Simply fact is, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others are so valuable because they sell Internet Advertising. That is their business and YOU are their product they sell to advertisers!

Brave offers you the option to view some ads and any ads you view, you get awarded a cryptocurrency called "Basic Attention Token" Currently worth £0.27p per token which you can then contribute to your favorite content providers or withdraw to your bank!

2, Install Brave on your PC, Laptop or Phone
3. Set BRAVE as your default browser instructions

The last email we sent out to BREXIT NEWS Subscribers resulted in 117 downloads of BRAVE but only 37 installs. That means some people downloaded it but forgot to install. That is pointless. it won't block ads unless you download it and actually install it. Remember, Brave looks and feels like Chrome, Microsoft IE, Firefox and the others. It is a lot faster tho! It blocks ads, bots and other little nasties, the others allow ON PURPOSE! That's right, Of course IE, Chrome, Firefox allow ads and other tracking codes! They are all in it to make money for their sponsors! Time was, Google paid advertisers $2 to give away Firefoox! Forget all of them start using BRAVE. It is faster than all of them! How is it faster? Because if blocks ads and other code that loads along with a web page. less code to execute, faster page loads!
I asked myself why they called it BRAVE and I think it is because they are being brave, taking on the giants of silicon valley!
Taking on the pirates of Silicon valley is very BRAVE indeed

So why Not? Download now

remember to install and set Brave as your default browser

<<First Name>>

Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple
See you as a product
that they can sell to the highest bidder

Let me tell you a story that I think will ring true with you: Last December, the wife and I were looking at photos of New Yourk city. We were checking out the lobby of the Roosavelt Hotel on E45h Street, Manhattan. All we did was look at some photos of the lobby. NO WORD OF A LIE, for the next 6 months, we saw this ad appear on almost every web page visited on that computer and all others logged into the same Google account 

Basically, our internet history and searches were logged by Google. Every time we visited a web page with an Adwords ad block, Google detected it was us and decided to blast the Roosavelt hotel in our face. If we clicked on that ad, Google earn money. I am not blaming the Roosavelt, they are simply advertising with Google. It is Google who are keeping tabs on us AND YOU!

There are no in page Ads to see when using BRAVE


it looks and feels just like your usual web browser and works exactly the same. the only difference is, it is lightning fast because it cuts out all those annoying ads you didn't ask to see.

Brave uses a concurrency called BAT (Basic Attention Token) You will earn BAT for browsing as normal. These will be awarded to you monthly as you browse and won't interfere with your browsing. These BAT tokens will then be available for tipping content providers, as you see fit. 

It sounds complicated to a novice but it is actually very simple.
Download Brave today and use it as your default browser. Fight back against the big establishmentized Web companies who see you as a product they can sell to the highest bidder!

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* This article was originally published here


  1. Really? This looks like a scam too. Good luck with making money out of me. I go out and buy what I want I do not suffer pressure from advertising. I give the minimum of personal information; everything else is guesswork on their part. So if Google, facebook or any other feckless company can make a few pence by invading my privacy with what little they know of my life, I will live with that and take it from whence it comes.


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