
Dodgy ‘Counter Terrorism’ Think Tank Run by Hamas Apologist Who Took Corbyn to Meet Them

Staffers in Westminster have been questioning why their offices have been contacted by the bizarrely named ‘Tactics Institute for Security and Counter Terrorism’. And what expertise its director (and only employee), Tom Charles, has in counter-terrorism…

The group was first registered in February and has since been producing pro-Iran, anti-sanctions content, including a letter to trusty Foreign Office minister Mark Field defending the Iranian regime and urging the UK not to impose sanctions. Charles has also written in support of the Maduro regime on his personal blog. Not an auspicious start…

It turns out Charles might have more expertise in terrorism than first thought. In 2011, while ‘Press and Parliamentary Officer’ for the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) – banned by Israel because of its links to Hamas – Charles took a group of politicians including Jeremy Corbyn to Lebanon to meet the terror group. Corbyn clearly enjoyed the experience enough to accept the CEPR’s subsequent invitation in 2014 to the notorious wreath-laying ceremony…

On his LinkedIn page, Charles also describes his past work on the “dissemination of its key messages in the mainstream of the Labour party” for the Labour Friends of Palestine group. What sort of “key messages” has Charles been disseminating?

Charles’ extensive commentary on Middle East issues includes “Hamas’ image problem”, where Charles bemoanes how they are “already widely seen as a “terrorist” [sic] group in the West” but suggests their new English language website will help Hamas to “improve and modernise its image”. His other insightful articles include “Will 2016 bring respite for Hamas and Gaza?” and “Hamas-Hizballah ‘association’ can’t stop Corbyn surge”. Given the current state of the Labour Party, Charles has clearly been remarkably successful in getting his ideas into the Labour mainstream…

The post Dodgy ‘Counter Terrorism’ Think Tank Run by Hamas Apologist Who Took Corbyn to Meet Them appeared first on Guido Fawkes.

* This article was originally published here


  1. Why isn`t HAmas/Hizbollah a proscribe gang in the UK ?


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