Decorated war veteran probed by cops over joke calling for military coup to ‘sort Brexit out’

A DECORATED war veteran was quizzed by cops for posting a joke tweet saying: “Maybe it’s time for a military coup to sort Brexit out.”
Tony McNally, 57, had two detectives call at his home.
He said: “The tweet was just a tongue-in-cheek, off-the-cuff remark.
“I couldn’t start a military coup! It was a waste of police time, heavy-handed and totally unnecessary.”
His ordeal emerged as cops ruled out action against leftie comic Jo Brand, 61.
She caused a row by suggesting on the BBC that political protesters hurl battery acid instead of milkshakes.
Tony argued: “She won’t be spoken to by police about what she said because it’s under the guise of comedy.
“Maybe if I’d put ‘this is just a joke’ I wouldn’t have had people on my doorstep.”
The pro-Brexit dad of two — who served in the Falklands and Northern Ireland — added: “I felt intimidated. I feel like it was an assault on my civil liberties.” He tweeted after reading of a general’s claim that a Jeremy Corbyn government could face an Army mutiny.
But he said the cops compared his post with threats of violence against MPs — raising the neo-Nazi murder of Labour MP Jo Cox before the 2016 Brexit referendum.
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Tony, of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, said: “I’m not the enemy here. I served my country and I’m proud of it.”
The Royal Artillery veteran deleted the tweet after receiving online abuse.
Police said: “We were made aware of concerns. Officers visited and gave advice regarding the post. No more action was taken.”
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Really? People are being stabbed to death in our City and all the cops can do is challenge a Twitter joke? Did t the perpetrator ever mention throwing Acid or murdering a politician? No he didn't, I would have taken what he said as a joke for getting the Conservative politicians' under order for their childish behaviour. Are these law makers all stupid and or on drugs? It beggars belief that people are getting murdered and, according to the Mayor of London, 'we should expect that in a City' but make a tasteless joke and you're career is over and you could end up in the pokey. Doh!