‘Stand up for Brexit’ - Former Cabinet Ministers’ warning to next Prime Minister

PRITI PATEL and Iain Duncan Smith have thrown their weight behind the ‘Stand Up 4 Brexit’ campaign and have said the next UK Prime Minister needs to do the same.
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Currently it's all talk and little action. Perhaps if they put a stop to the in fighting; the slandering of each other, the right honourable's, (sorry had to stop for a giggle, 'honourable' which one?) we could make some reasonable progress. I don't know why there should be such a problem, get us out first and sort the finer details with the backing of the people once that is achieved. Three years of fees to the diabolical EU could have gone to help a British Steel bail out. Politician's don't seem to have a clue about being honourable or where democracy comes in. It seems to me that government and all its hangers on are seasoned criminals playing a filthy game to bolster their own egos and line their own pockets. We must have been temporarily barmy to trust any of them.