
Don't Ignore The Establishment Track Your Web Browsing

Don't Ignore The Establishment Track Your Web Browsing
<<First Name>>, The Establishment is trying to control your political beliefs by silencing certain content providers so you don't hear their message!

The Internet is a still a "wild west" and you need to protect yourself <<First Name>>
They see you, <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>, as their product they can control as well as SELL to the highest bidder!

Blockchain is the future of privacy and the Establishment hate it because THEY CANNOT control it!
BREXIT NEWS ALERT: <<First Name>>, It may have recently come to your attention that the likes of Paul Joseph Watson and every prominent supporter of Trump and Brexit seem to be disappearing from Social Media platforms. The liberal Establishment is literally trying to silence freedom of speech! Video

So what can you do <<First Name>>? The totally free Brave Browser is here. It looks and feels exactly the same as your usual web browser but it is faster, private and more secure than any other web browser!, It is built on Chromium so uses the same code as Google Chrome. It blocks unsolicited ads and trackers that gather data on you! The big Internet companies have been using your data to turn you into a product for years. Most importantly, Brave Browser protects publishers and content providers from demonetization by giving you control over rewarding those content providers. 
They see you as a product
that they can sell to the highest bidder

So you were browsing images of Beaches in Thailand earlier today and since then, all you have seen is ads for Thailand Flights and Hotels? Of course, the Big Tech companies are tracking you and use your browsing habits to sell you to advertisers! If you click on one of those Ads for Hotel Thailand, you just made the big Google a couple of dollars for that click!!
STOP THIS NOW DOWNLOAD BRAVE and from now on, use it to browse the internet!

Not only are they selling you to the highest bider, They also think they can now control your political views! They actually think they own you! The are trying to silence people who speak the truth and go against the left's ideological view of a liberal; utopia! STOP THIS NOW
Get a new Browser Download Brave 


it looks and feels just like your usual web browser and works exactly the same. the only difference is, it is lightning fast because it cuts out all those annoying ads you didn't ask to see.

Brave uses a concurrency called BAT (Basic Attention Token) You will earn BAT for browsing as normal. These will be awarded to you monthly as you browse and won't interfere with your browsing. These BAT tokens will then be available for tipping content providers, as you see fit. 

It sounds complicated to a novice but it is actually very simple.
Download Brave today and use it as your default browser. Fight back against the big establishmentized Web companies who see you as a product they can sell to the highest bidder!

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* This article was originally published here


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